Looking for a blue flower background pattern? All you need is a nice blue flower vector. You can turn any vector into a background pattern.
In this section, you can download a blue flower vector background pattern in three formats ( jpeg, png, and PSD) and a quick guide on how to turn a vector into a pattern background.
Click the free download button below to download the blue flower vector.
The vector is free for both personal and commercial use, but a link credit to PhotoshopBuzz would be appreciated 🙂
You’ll have to define the pattern and use the paint bucket tool or fill tool to fill the background.
How to Turn a Vector into a Pattern (Quick Steps)
You can make a blue flower background pattern in 3 quick steps.
Note: Screenshots are taken from Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 Mac version. Windows or other versions might look slightly different.
Step 1: Open the vector you just downloaded.
Step 2: Go to Edit > Define Pattern
Step 3: Give it a name and click OK.
That’s it! Now you can open a new document, go to Edit > Fill, or use the paint bucket tool.
Change the fill contents to Pattern and select the blue flower pattern.
If blue is not your favorite color, feel free to download the PSD file and change its color.
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